Page 148 - Pakistan Oilfield Limited - Annual Report 2022
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             Notes to and Forming Part of the

             Financial Statements

             For the year ended June 30, 2022

             4.6      Provisions
                      Provisions are recognized when the Company has a legal or constructive obligation as a result
                      of past events and when it is probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the
                      obligation and a reliable estimate of the amount can be made.
             4.7      Provision for decommissioning costs
                      Provision for decommissioning costs is recognized in full for development wells and production
                      facilities. The amount recognized is the present value of the estimated cost to abandon a well
                      and remove production facilities. A corresponding intangible asset of an amount equivalent to
                      the provision is also created and is amortized on unit of production basis over the total proved
                      developed reserves of the field or @ 5% where the life of a field is more than 20 years.

                      Most of these abandonment and removal events are many years in the future and the precise
                      requirements that will have to be met when the abandonment and removal event actually occurs
                      are uncertain. Abandonment and asset removal technologies and costs are constantly changing, as
                      are political, environmental, safety and public expectations. Consequently, the timing and amount
                      of future cash flows are subject to significant uncertainty.
                      The timing and amount of future expenditures are reviewed annually, together with the interest rate
                      to be used in discounting the cash flows. Any difference between the liability recognized and actual
                      costs incurred are charged/credited to statement of profit or loss in the year of decommissioning.

                      The effect of changes resulting from revisions to the estimate of the liability are incorporated on a
                      prospective basis.
                      The decommissioning cost has been discounted at a real discount rate of 1.00% (2021: 1.30%) per
             4.8      Employee compensated absences

                      The Company provides for compensated absences for all eligible employees in accordance with
                      the rules of the Company.

             4.9      Staff retirement benefits
                      The Company operates the following staff retirement benefits plans:

                        (i)  A pension plan for its management staff and a gratuity plan for its management and non-
                            management staff. The pension and gratuity plans are invested through approved trust funds.
                            Both are defined benefit final salary plans. The pension and gratuity plans are complementary
                            plans for management staff. Pension payable to management staff is reduced by an amount
                            determined by the actuary equivalent to amount paid by the gratuity fund. Management
                            staff hired after January 1, 2012 are only entitled to benefits under gratuity fund. Actuarial
                            valuations are conducted annually using the "Projected Unit Credit Method" and the latest
                            valuation was conducted as at June 30, 2022.

                            Actuarial  gain  and  losses  arising  from  experience  adjustments  and  change  in  actuarial
                            assumptions are charged or credited to equity in other comprehensive income in the period
                            in which they arise.
                            Past service costs are recognized immediately in statement of profit or loss.

                            Since both are complementary plans, combined details and valuation for pension plan and
                            gratuity plan are given in note 35.
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