Page 25 - Condensed Interim Financial Statements - September 2023
P. 25

Notes to and forming part of the Condensed Interim
        Financial Statements (Unaudited)
        For the three months ended September 30, 2023

                                                                 Three months ended
                                                                 Sep 30, 2023  Sep 30, 2022
                                                                    Rupees (’000)

            Reimbursement of expenses incurred by associates
            on behalf of POL
               Parent Company                                     1,465            398
               Subsidiary Companies                                   -           3,019
               Associated Companies                              10,384           8,671
            Rental income
               Subsidiary Companies                                351             351
               Associated Companies                               1,071           1,020

            Rental expense
               Parent Company                                    29,956          17,873
               Associated Companies                               1,429            712

            Dividend paid
               Parent Company                                         -           3,088
               Associated Companies                                   -          10,759

            Dividend received
               Subsidiary Companies                               8,090               -
               Associated Companies                                   -         209,541

            Other related parties
               Remuneration of Chief Executive, Directors
               Honorarium & Key Management personnel
               including benefits & perquisites                  97,815          76,184
               Dividend paid to key management personnel              -           8,567

               Contribution to staff retirement benefits plans
                 Management Staff Pension Fund & Gratuity Fund     28,451        32,328
                   Approved Contributory Provident Fund           9,688          10,304

               Contribution to Workers' Profit Participation Fund     713,292    319,965

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