Page 24 - Condensed Interim Financial Statements - September 2023
P. 24

Notes to and forming part of the Condensed Interim
        Financial Statements (Unaudited)
        For the three months ended September 30, 2023

                                                                 Three months ended
                                                                Sep 30, 2023  Sep 30, 2022
                                                                    Rupees (’000)

        21.  Other income - net
            Income from financial assets - bank balances,
            short term deposits and treasury bills            4,227,635       2,100,371
            Exchange gain on financial assets - net             408,349       4,127,952
            Dividend on investments classified as fair value
            through profit or loss                               51,441               -
            Dividend from subsidiary and associated  companies    8,090         209,541
            Rental income                                        41,697          47,595
            Crude oil transportation income                     119,553         118,990
            Gas processing fee                                   23,784          19,240
            Gain on sale of property, plant and equipment             -           2,130
            Fair value adjustment on investment classified as
            fair value through profit or loss                     5,618               -
            Gain on sale of stores and scrap                         51           9,146
            Others                                                5,530              74
                                                              4,891,748       6,635,039
        22.  Provision for taxation
            Current - for period                              3,512,031       3,467,720
            Deferred - for period                               610,452       (1,620,798)
                                                              4,122,483       1,846,922
        23.  Transaction with related parties

            Sales of goods & services to
               Associated Companies                           9,744,686       9,583,959
            Purchase of goods & services from
               Parent Company                                    17,769          37,790
               Associated Companies                             576,357         523,711

            Reimbursement of expenses incurred by POL
            on behalf of associates
               Parent Company                                         -             21
               Subsidiary Companies                               4,375           4,006
               Associated Companies                               9,828          10,793

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