Page 135 - Pakistan Oilfields Limited - Annual Report 2021
P. 135



          FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2021

                           The following indicators are considered while assessing credit risk
                           -  actual or expected significant adverse changes in business, financial or economic
                              conditions that are expected to cause a significant change to the debtor’s ability to
                              meet its obligations;
                           -  actual or expected significant changes in the operating results of the debtor;
                           -  significant increase in credit risk on other financial instruments of the same debtor;
                           -  significant changes in the value of the collateral supporting the obligation or in the
                              quality of third-party guarantees, if applicable.

                           Definition of default

                           The Company considers the following as constituting an event of default for internal cred-
                           it risk management purposes as historical experience indicates that receivables that meet
                           either of the following criteria are generally not recoverable.

                           -  when there is a breach of financial covenants by the counterparty; or
                           -  information developed internally or obtained from external sources indicates that the
                              debtor is unlikely to pay its creditors, including the Company, in full (without taking
                              into account any collaterals held by the Company).

                           Irrespective of the above analysis, in case of trade debts, the Company considers that
                           default has occurred when the debt is more than 365 days past due, unless the Company
                           has reasonable and supportable information to demonstrate that a more lagging default
                           criterion is more appropriate.

                           Credit - impaired financial assets

                           A financial asset is credit-impaired when one or more events that have a detrimental
                           impact on the estimated future cash flows of that financial asset have occurred. Evidence
                           that a financial asset is credit-impaired includes observable data about the following
                           -  significant financial difficulty of the issuer or the borrower;
                           -  a breach of contract, such as a default or past due event;
                           -  the lender(s) of the borrower, for economic or contractual reasons relating to the bor-
                              rower’s financial difficulty, having granted to the borrower a concession(s) that the
                              lender(s) would not otherwise consider;
                           -  it is becoming probable that the borrower will enter bankruptcy or other financial re-
                              organisation; or
                           -  the disappearance of an active market for that financial asset because of financial diffi-

           4.22     Financial Liabilities

                    Classification, initial recognition and subsequent measurement

                    Financial liabilities are classified in the following categories:
                    -   fair value through profit or loss; and
                    -   other financial liabilities.

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