Page 104 - Pakistan Oilfield Limited - Annual Report 2022
P. 104

             Performance Indicators

                                                                                (Rupees millions unless otherwise stated)
                                                          2017      2018     2019     2020      2021     2022
             PROFIT & LOSS SUMMARY
             Net  sales
              Crude oil                                    12,036    17,598    22,374    17,264    17,940    29,718
              Gas                                           9,500    8,573    13,618    12,481    11,714    12,269
              POLGAS-Refill of cylinders                    5,608    6,306    7,420     6,567    6,190     9,673
              Solvent oil                                    131      180       246      220      189       285
              Sulphur                                          6        8        10        8        9         -
             Total Net Sales                               27,281    32,665    43,668    36,540    36,042    51,945
             Cost of sales                                 13,209    15,529    18,258    14,172    14,409    17,997
             Gross profit                                  14,072    17,136    25,410    22,368    21,633    33,948
             Exploration costs                              1,468    2,990    2,049     1,405     494       877
             Administration expenses                         109      170       181      192      195       206
             Finance costs                                   746     1,919    3,774     2,212     260      5,549
             Other charges                                   809      967     1,728     1,383    1,545     2,026
             Other income                                   1,473    3,262    7,177     4,558    1,539    11,697
             Profit before taxation                        12,413    14,352    24,855    21,734    20,678    36,987
             Provision for taxation                         2,734    2,969    7,983     5,358    7,296    11,052
             Profit for the year                            9,679    11,383    16,872    16,376    13,382    25,935
             Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation
             and amortization (EBITDA)                     16,200    18,897    29,798    25,643    24,357    41,786
             Dividends                                      9,462    10,053    14,193    14,193    14,193    19,870
             Paid-up capital                                2,365    2,365    2,839     2,839    2,839     2,839
             Reserves                                       1,760    1,760    1,758     1,758    1,758     1,758
             Unappropriated profit                         27,373    28,643    33,475    35,670    34,766    46,467
             Long term deposits                              847      837       845      861      873       895
             Deferred liabilities                          14,999    15,643    17,057    20,027    19,978    24,970
             Current liabilities                           10,307    20,917    25,516    30,441    34,130    41,125
             Fixed assets (less depreciation)               9,855    9,405    8,499     7,542    6,680     6,702
             Development & decommissioning costs           13,373    12,597    11,054    12,356    13,673    10,209
             Exploration & evaluation assets                1,884    2,591       53     2,773     512      3,020
             Long term investment                           9,616    9,616    9,616     9,616    9,616     9,616
             Other long term assets                           17       15        26       27       37        30
             Current assets                                22,906    35,943    52,242    59,282    63,826    88,477
             CASH FLOWS
             Operating activities                          15,674    19,327    21,425    23,263    19,480    27,906
             Investing activities                          (3,916)   (3,361)    137    (2,706)    452      (921)
             Financing activities                          (8,275)   (10,022)   (11,570)   (14,170)   (14,163)   (14,162)
             Exchange rate effect                            (65)    1,407    4,236      900     (1,245)   7,327
             Opening Balance                               10,764    14,182    21,533    35,761    43,048    47,572
             Cash and cash equivalents at year end         14,182    21,533    35,761    43,048    47,572    67,723
             Free Cash Flows                               10,661    14,552    20,025    16,526    17,746    23,336
             Contribution to national exchequer (Rs millions)   8,202    10,981    18,601    14,142    16,864    25,231
             Foreign exchange savings (US $ million)         332      465       520      320      344       538
             Market Capitalization (Rs millions)          108,374    158,909    115,214    99,528    111,799    115,191
             No. of Shareholders                            5,738    4,954    5,756     7,090    7,597     7,858
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