Page 271 - Pakistan Oilfield Limited - Annual Report 2022
P. 271
Annual Report 2022
2D Seismic Exploration method of sending energy waves or sound waves into the earth
and recording the wave reflections to indicate the type, size, shape, and
depth of subsurface rock formations. 3-D seismic provides two dimensional
3D Seismic Exploration method of sending energy waves or sound waves into the
earth and recording the wave reflections to indicate the type, size, shape,
and depth of subsurface rock formations. 3-D seismic provides three
dimensional information.
AOC Attock Oil Company
APL Attock Petroleum Limited
AITSL Attock Information Technology Services (Pvt) Limited
BPD Barrels Per Day
BPR Business Process Re-engineering
Chiltan Formation Geological Formation
Commercial Risk Potential losses arising from the trading partners or the market.
Contractual Risk Probability of loss arising from failure in contract performance.
CSR Corporate Social Responsibility
DTP Directors’ Training Program
E & P Companies Exploration and Production Companies
ECL Expected Credit Losses
Exploratory well A well drilled to find and produce oil or gas in an unproved area, find a new
reservoir in a field previously found to be productive in another reservoir, or
extend a known reservoir.
FVTPL Fair Value Through Profit or Loss
FVTOCI Fair Value Through Other Comprehensive Income
G & G Geological & Geophysical
HMS Hospital Management System
Hydrocarbon An organic compound of hydrogen and carbon (i.e., oil, gas, and NGL).
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards
ISO International Organisation for Standardisation
JVP Joint Venture Partner
KCDF Khaur Crude Oil Decanting Facility
KPK Khyber Pakhtunkhwa