Page 79 - Pakistan Oilfield Limited - Annual Report 2022
P. 79

                                                                                              Annual Report 2022

             Directors or any committee of    certificates and nature of        meeting. The Chairman ensures
             Directors or General Meetings    transaction which are notified    that the Directors are properly
             of the Company.                  by the Company Secretary to       informed and that sufficient
                                              the Board within the stipulated   information is provided
             The aggregate amount charged     time. All such holdings have      to enable them to form
             in these financial statements    been disclosed in the Pattern of   appropriate judgments. The
             in respect of fee to 7 directors   Shareholdings.                  Chairman evaluates annually
             (2021: 7) was Rs 9,139 thousand                                    the effectiveness of the Board
             (2021: Rs 7,885 thousand). This   Conflict of Interest             as a whole.
             includes Rs 5,618 thousand       Among Board
             (2021: Rs 5,126 thousand) paid                                     The Chief Executive is the
             to 4 non-executive directors     Members                           executive director who also acts
             (2021: 4) of the Company.                                          as the head of the company’s
                                              A formal code of conduct is       management. He is responsible
             Security Clearance of            in place governing the actual     for leading the development
             Foreign Directors                or perceived conflict of          and execution of the Company’s
                                              interest relating to the Board
             Foreign Directors elected on     members of the Company.           long term strategy with a
                                                                                view to enhance value for
             the Board of Pakistan Oilfields   Under the guidelines of code     shareholder. He is responsible
             Limited requires security        of conduct, every director is     for day-to-day management
             clearance from Ministry of       required to disclose his interest   decisions and for implementing
             Interior through SECP. All legal   in any contract, agreement      the Company’s long and
             formalities and requirements     or appointment etc. These         short term plans. The Chief
             have been met and fulfilled in   disclosures are circulated to     Executive also communicates
             this regard.                     the Board and it is ensured that   on behalf of the Company to
                                              the interested director does not   the shareholders, employees,
             Other Corporate                  participate in decision making    Government authorities and
             Governance                       and voting on the subject.        other stakeholders.
                                              These facts are recorded in
             Other matters related to         minutes of meeting. Any such      Performance
             Corporate Governance are         conflict of interest is recorded   Evaluation of the
             annexed to the Annual Report.    in Company’s statutory register
                                              while disclosures of related      Board
             Trading in Shares                party transactions are provided   The Board of Directors acts
             by Directors and                 in financial statements.          as governing trustees of the

             Executives                       Role of Chairman &                Company on behalf of the

             All direct or indirect trading   Chief Executive                   shareholders, while carrying
                                                                                out the Company’s mission and
             and holdings of the Company’s    The Chairman heads the Board      goals.
             shares by Directors, Chief       meetings and ensures effective
             Executive, substantial           functioning of the Board. The     Under requirement of Listed
             shareholders, executives or      Chairman acts as a liaison        Companies (Code of Corporate
             their spouses notify in writing   between management and           Governance) Regulations,
             to the Company Secretary         the Board. He has power to set    2019, a formal and effective
             along with the price, number     agenda, deliver instructions and   mechanism is put in place for
             of shares, form of share                                           an annual evaluation of the
                                              signs the minutes of the board
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