Page 80 - Pakistan Oilfield Limited - Annual Report 2022
P. 80

             Directors’ Report
             Corporate Governance

             Board’s own performance,             understanding of their role   legal and regulatory risks and
             members of the Board and of          and responsibilities in the   role and responsibility of the
             its committees.                      light of Memorandum and       directors as per laws applicable
                                                  Articles of Association of    in Pakistan along with an
             The Board of Directors sets the      the Company and as per        overview of the strategies,
             following evaluation criteria to     prevailing laws.              plans, marketing analysis,
             judge its performance.                                             forecasts , budget and business
                                               g.  Monitoring and evaluating
             a.  Review of the strategic          the management’s              plan.
                plans and business risks,         performance.                  Directors Training
                monitor the Company’s
                performance against the       Performance                       Program
                planned objectives and        Evaluation of the
                advise the management on                                        The Company ensures that
                strategic initiatives.        Chief Executive                   it meets requirements of
                                                                                Securities & Exchange
             b.  Working as a team, the       The Chief Executive, being        Commission of Pakistan
                Board has the right blend     part of the Board, is present     relating to Directors’ Training
                of skills, expertise and      in every meeting of the Board.    Programme (DTP). Five
                the appropriate degree of     He provides an overview of the    directors meet the exemption
                diversity. The Board focuses   Company’s performance to         requirement of the DTP. The
                on significant matters such   the Board and addresses any       remaining two directors have
                as strategy and policy.       specific questions by the Board   obtained certification under
                                              members. The performance of       DTP.
             c.  Establishing adequate        the Chief Executive is assessed
                internal control system       through the evaluation system     Internal Financial
                in the Company and its        set by the Company. The main      Controls
                regular assessment through    factors of evaluation include
                self assessment mechanism     financial performance, business   The system of internal control
                and internal audit activities.  processes, compliance,          is sound in design and has

                                              business excellence and people    been effectively implemented
             d.  Relations with key                                             and monitored. Appropriate
                Stakeholders like             management.                       accounting policies have
                Regulators, Employees,        Formal Orientation at             been consistently applied in
                Shareholders and CBA are                                        preparation of the financial
                maintained through regular    Induction                         statements. We have developed
                and open communication.       When a new member is taken        effective policies and

             e.  Building interaction with    on board, it is ensured that      procedures over period of time
                the Management to seek        he is provided with a detailed    in all areas of our activities.
                and obtain sufficient input   orientation of the Company.       These controls/policies have
                from management to            Orientation is mainly focused     been put in place to ensure
                support effective Board       on the Company’s vision,          efficient and smooth running
                decision-making.              strategies, core competencies,    of the business, safeguarding
                                              organizational structure, related  the Company’s assets,
             f.  Ensuring that the Directors   parties, major risks (both       prevention and detection of
                have full & common            external and internal) including   fraud and errors, accuracy
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