Page 18 - Condensed Interim Financial Statements - For Nine Months Ended March 31, 2022
P. 18
Notes to and forming part of the Condensed Interim
Financial Statements (Unaudited)
For the nine months ended March 31, 2022
(Unaudited) (Audited)
Mar. 31, 2022 Jun. 30, 2021
Rupees ('000)
8. Property, plant and equipment
Opening net book value 6,129,343 7,056,837
Additions during the period / year 226,516 542,469
Disposals during the period / year (759) (3,138)
Depreciation for the period / year (1,099,147) (1,466,825)
Closing net book value 5,255,953 6,129,343
Capital work in progress - at cost 947,225 550,937
6,203,178 6,680,280
9. Development and decommissioning costs
Development cost
Opening net book value 12,922,884 11,857,324
Additions during the period / year 58,826 831,510
Revision due to change in estimates (67,041) (43,667)
Well cost transferred from
exploration and evaluation assets - 2,555,371
Amortisation for the period / year (2,253,975) (2,277,654)
Closing book value 10,660,694 12,922,884
Decommissioning cost
Opening net book value 749,791 498,293
Additions during the period / year 12,116 335,429
Revision due to change in estimates (289,171) 82,241
Amortisation for the period / year (60,169) (166,172)
Closing book value 412,567 749,791
11,073,261 13,672,675
10. Exploration and evaluation assets
Balance brought forward 512,223 2,773,514
Additions during the period/ year 1,393,802 294,080
Well cost transferred to development costs - (2,555,371)
1,906,025 512,223