Page 19 - Condensed Interim Financial Statements - For Nine Months Ended March 31, 2022
P. 19

Notes to and forming part of the Condensed Interim
        Financial Statements (Unaudited)
        For the nine months ended March 31, 2022

                                                   (Unaudited)            (Audited)
                                                  Mar. 31, 2022         Jun. 30, 2021
                                              Percentage  Amount   Percentage  Amount
                                               holding  Rupees ('000)  holding Rupees ('000)
        11. Long term investments in subsidiary
           and associated companies -at cost
           Subsidiary company
              Capgas (Private) Limited            51          1,530    51         1,530
           Associated companies
              National Refinery Limited - Note 11.1    25   8,046,635    25    8,046,635
             Attock Petroleum Limited              7      1,562,938     7      1,562,938
             Attock Information Technology
             Services (Private) Limited           10          4,500    10         4,500

                                                          9,615,603            9,615,603

        11.1  Based on a valuation analysis, the recoverable amount of investment in National Refinery
             Limited exceeds its carrying amount. The recoverable amount had been estimated based
             on a value in use calculation carried out by an external investment advisor engaged by the
             management, on an annual basis.
        12. Trade debts
           These include Rs 6,847,677 thousand (June 30, 2021: Rs 3,750,557 thousand) receivable
           from related parties.
        13. Advances, deposits, prepayments and other receivables
           These include balances with joint venture partners amounting to Rs 251,716 thousand (June
           30, 2021 : Rs 154,659 thousand) and balances with related parties amounting to Rs 224,315
           thousand (June 30, 2021 : Rs 284,004 thousand).

                                                            (Unaudited)       (Audited)
                                                                  Mar. 31, 2022         Jun. 30, 2021
                                                                   Rupees ('000)
        14. Other financial assets
           Investments in mutual funds classified as fair value
            through profit or loss                               511,297               -

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