Page 12 - Condensed Interim Financial Statements - for the nine months ended March 31, 2024
P. 12

Condensed Interim Statement of Profit or Loss (Unaudited)
        For the nine months ended March 31, 2024

                                            Three months ended       Nine months ended

                                    Note  Mar. 31, 2024  Mar. 31, 2023  Mar. 31, 2024   Mar. 31, 2023
                                                            Rupees ('000)
        SALES                               17,757,370     17,194,283     54,653,228     49,477,764
        Sales tax                           (1,414,299)    (1,264,479)    (4,154,204)    (3,436,559)
        Excise duty                           (55,337)    (56,213)    (165,030)    (169,775)
        NET SALES                    18     16,287,734     15,873,591     50,333,994     45,871,430
        Operating costs              19     (2,589,897)    (2,800,166)    (8,815,953)    (7,993,256)
        Royalty                             (1,819,589)    (1,807,103)    (5,722,419)    (5,138,519)
        Amortisation of development
        and decommissioning costs    20      (162,582)    (782,959)    (384,198)    (2,289,325)
                                            (4,572,068)   (5,390,228)    (14,922,570)   (15,421,100)
        GROSS PROFIT                        11,715,666    10,483,363     35,411,424    30,450,330
        Exploration costs            21      (312,942)    (849,580)    (1,446,431)    (6,329,302)
                                            11,402,724     9,633,783     33,964,993     24,121,028

        Administration expenses               (93,487)    (80,303)    (284,913)    (258,902)
        Finance costs - net          22      (664,552)    (5,435,972)   (2,261,678)    (5,435,972)
        Other charges                23      (921208)        (502,700)    (2,737,692)       (1,656,802)
                                           (1,679,247)       (6,018,975)    (5,284,283)       (9,701,006)
                                            9,723,477       3,614,808     28,680,710       14,420,022

        Other income - net           24     3,979,587     14,330,451     11,752,563     23,069,050
        PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION              13,703,064    17,945,259     40,433,273    37,489,072
        Provision for taxation       25     (1,342,520)    (1,710,127)    (10,493,785)    (6,900,806)

        PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD               12,360,544     16,235,132     29,939,488     30,588,266
        Earnings per share
        - Basic and diluted (Rs)                43.55       57.19      105.47        107.76

        The annexed notes 1 to 28 form an integral part of these condensed interim financial statements.

          Khalid Nafees                 Shuaib A. Malik                      Abdus Sattar
          CFO                           Chief Executive                      Director

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