Page 14 - Condensed Interim Financial Statements - for the nine months ended March 31, 2024
P. 14

Condensed Interim Statement of Changes in Equity (Unaudited)
        For the nine months ended March 31, 2024
                                                              Revenue reserves
                                               Share    Insurance  Investment Unappropriated  Total
                                               capital  reserve  reserve   profit
                                                     Rupees (’000)
     Balance at June 30, 2022                  2,838,551     200,000    1,557,794    46,467,116    51,063,461
     Total comprehensive income for the period:
       Profit for the period                         -       -         -      30,588,266    30,588,266
       Other comprehensive income                    -       -         -         -        -
                                                     -       -         -      30,588,266    30,588,266
     Transactions with owners:
       Final dividend @ Rs 50 per share -
       Year ended June 30, 2022                      -       -         -     (14,192,755)   (14,192,755)
       Interim dividend @ Rs 20 per share -
       Year ended June 30, 2023                      -       -         -      (5,677,102)   (5,677,102)
     Total transaction with owners                   -       -         -     (19,869,857)  (19,869,857)

     Balance at March 31, 2023                 2,838,551     200,000    1,557,794    57,185,525    61,781,870
     Total comprehensive income for the period:
       Profit for the period                         -       -         -      5,864,316     5,864,316
       Other comprehensive income                    -       -         -       41,023     41,023
                                                     -       -         -      5,905,339     5,905,339

     Balance at June 30, 2023                  2,838,551     200,000    1,557,794    63,090,864    67,687,209
     Total comprehensive income for the period:
       Profit for the period                         -       -         -      29,939,488     29,939,488
       Other comprehensive income                    -       -         -         -        -
                                                     -       -         -      29,939,488     29,939,488
     Transaction with owners:
       Final dividend @ Rs 60 per share -
       Year ended June 30, 2023                      -       -         -     (17,031,306)   (17,031,306)
       Interim dividend @ Rs 25 per share -
       Year ending June 30, 2024                     -       -         -      (7,096,378)   (7,096,378)
     Total transaction with owners                   -       -         -     (24,127,684)  (24,127,684)

     Balance at March 31, 2024                 2,838,551     200,000    1,557,794    68,902,668     73,499,013

     The annexed notes 1 to 28 form an integral part of these condensed interim financial statements.

          Khalid Nafees                 Shuaib A. Malik                      Abdus Sattar
          CFO                           Chief Executive                      Director

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