Page 5 - Condensed Interim Financial Statements - for the nine months ended March 31, 2024
P. 5

Directors’ Report

        In the name of ALLAH, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful
        The Board takes pleasure in presenting a brief review of the operations and financial results of the Company for the
        nine months ended March 31, 2024.
        Financial Results
        During this period, the Company achieved a profit after tax of Rs. 29,939 million, which represents a slight decrease
        of 2.13% compared to the same period last year when it was Rs. 30,588 million. Basic and diluted earnings per
        share stood at Rs. 105.47, down from Rs. 107.76 reported on March 31, 2023. This profit can be attributed to several
        factors including increased sales value due to a rise in the rupee-dollar exchange rate, higher interest income from
        increased deposits and interest rates, reduced exploration costs, reversal of prior year tax provisions as detailed in
        note 25.1 of the financial statements, and decreased finance costs, partially offset by exchange losses on financial
        assets of Rs. 1,811 million (March 31, 2023: Exchange gain of Rs.14,388 million) and lower sales volumes of crude
        oil and gas compared to the same period last year. Crude oil and gas production volumes decreased by 4.9% and
        1.8% respectively compared to the corresponding period last year.
        Additionally, the Company achieved a consolidated profit after tax of Rs. 30,392 million, down from Rs. 30,930
        million reported on March 31, 2023. This translates into consolidated earnings per share of Rs.106.95, compared to
        Rs. 108.87 on March 31, 2023.
        The following is a comparison of production from the Company's own fields, including proportionate share from all
        operated and non-operated joint ventures:
                                                              Nine months ended
                                                       Mar. 31, 2024       Mar. 31, 2023

        Crude Oil      US Barrels                         1,335,135           1,404,507
        Gas            Million Cubic Feet                   17,576               17,901
        LPG            Metric Tonnes                        39,172               40,699
        Sulphur        Metric Tonnes                          458                  465
        Solvent Oil    US Barrels                           13,869               13,274
        The Company’s share in production, including that from joint ventures, for the period under review averaged 4,855
        barrels per day (bpd) of crude, 63.91 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd) of gas, 142.44 metric tonnes per
        day (MTD) of LPG, 1.66 MTD of sulphur and 50 bpd of solvent oil.
        Producing Fields
        At Ikhlas block (operated by POL with 80% share), Jhandial well -3 was spuded on October 12, 2023, drilling at
        17,300 ft is in progress. The target depth is +/- 17,855 ft.
        Balkassar Deep-1A well was spudded on April 26, 2023, after encountering different problems well target depth has
        been declared and preparation are under way to test the well.
        At Pindori Lease (operated by POL with a 35% share), 3D seismic acquisition project of 60 square kilometers has
        been completed and data processing is in progress to evaluate the prospectivity of Chorgali formation and to
        evaluate the possibility to produce un-drained oil.
        At Tal block (operated by MOL where POL has pre commerciality share of 25%), Makori Deep -3 well has been
        approved and well site preparation is in progress.
        At Adhi Lease (operated by PPL, where POL has 11% share), Adhi South X-1 was put on artificial gas lift and
        producing incremental production of around 250 barrels of oil per day.
        Due to production problems at Adhi South- 5 jet pump was installed and this well is producing around 150 barrels of
        oil per day.
        Adhi South-8 well was spuded on March 22, 2024 and drilling at 8,858 ft is in process. The target depth of the well is
        +/- 11,417 ft.
        Adhi South- 9 well has been approved by the joint venture partners.
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