Page 6 - Condensed Interim Financial Statements - for the nine months ended March 31, 2024
P. 6

At Ratana Development and Production Lease (operated by Orient Petroleum Inc., where POL has 4.54% share),
        Ratana - 5A has been approved by the Joint Venture Partners.
        Exploration Blocks
        At DG Khan block (operated by POL with a 70% share), gravity survey will be carried out to evaluate remaining
        North Dhurnal block (operated by POL with 60% share) design study has been completed to acquire 285.3 square
        kilometers 3D seismic data. Bidding process for data acquisition is under evaluation.
        At Tal block (operated by MOL where POL has pre commerciality share of 25%), an exploratory well Razgir has
        been spuded on January 09, 2024, 7” casing has been laid down to secure reservoir section at 11,831ft and further
        drilling is in progress.
        3D seismic data interpretation of Makori, Makori Deep, Billitang and Kot South, has been completed while seismic
        interpretation on Kahi North, Sarozai, Sarozai Deep, Manzalai South and Manzalai Deep leads is in progress.
        At Hisal block (operated by PPL where POL has 25% share), 3D seismic acquisition of 235 square kilometers has
        been completed. Data processing to carry out the fracture identification study is in progress.
        At Gurgalot block (operated by OGDCL where POL has 20% share), 3D seismic data interpretation has been
        completed and subsurface location of Gurgalot X-1 has been finalized, well planning is in progress.
        At Taung block (operated by Mari Petroleum where POL has 40% share), 340.94 square kilometers 3D Seismic
        acquisition and interpretation has been completed for the identification of leads.
        At Nareli block (operated by Mari Petroleum where POL has 32% share), 2D seismic acquisition program of 564 line
        kilometers  was  approved  and  data  acquisition  work  is  in  progress.  Currently  the  crew  is  on  standby  due  to
        prevailing security situation in the area.
        Chah Bali exploration license was awarded to OGDC as an operator with 70% share and to POL with 30% share.
        Agreements  of  Multanai  &  Saruna  Blocks  with  100%  &  40%  share  respectively  have  been  signed  with  the
        The Board would like to extend its gratitude to all its stakeholders for their continuous support, which they have
        extended to Pakistan Oilfields Limited.
        On behalf of the Board

        Shuaib A. Malik                                                   Abdus Sattar
        Chairman & Chief Executive                                          Director
        April 25, 2024

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