Page 19 - Condensed Interim Financial Statements - September 2023
P. 19

Notes to and forming part of the Condensed Interim
        Financial Statements (Unaudited)
        For the three months ended September 30, 2023

        6.  Trade and other payables

            These include balance due to joint venture partners amounting to Rs 2,733,043 thousand
            (June 30, 2023: Rs 2,580,128 thousand) and balances due to related parties amounting to
            Rs 869,832 thousand (June 30, 2023: Rs 2,073,676 thousand).

        7.  Contingencies and commitments

        7.1 There were no material contingencies at September 30, 2023 (June 30, 2023: Nil).

                                                              Unaudited       Audited
                                                            Sep 30, 2023   Jun 30, 2023
                                                                    Rupees ('000)
        7.2  Commitments:

               Share in joint operations                      14,818,286     15,026,127
                 Own fields                                    4,460,678       4,586,947
                Letter of credit issued by banks on behalf
                of the Company                                  776,663         818,030

        8.  Property, plant and equipment
             Opening net book value                            5,417,443       6,219,771
               Additions during the period / year                 65,911        830,624
               Disposals during the period / year                     -          (7,854)
              Transfer to store                                       -         (19,248)
               Depreciation for the period / year              (388,398)      (1,605,580)
             Closing net book value                            5,094,956       5,417,443
            Capital work in progress - at cost                  551,852          485,349
                                                               5,646,808       5,902,792

        9.  Development and decommissioning costs
               Development cost
                  Opening net book value                       7,559,182       9,801,407
                  Additions during the period / year            360,613        1,201,829
                  Revision due to change in estimates          (322,465)       (969,945)
                  Amortisation for the period / year           (714,163)      (2,474,109)
                  Closing book value                           6,883,167       7,559,182
                Decommissioning cost
                 Opening net book value                         266,267         407,719
                  Additions during the period / year                   -         132,309
                  Revision due to change in estimates           429,263         (185,528)
                  Amortisation for the period / year            (63,927)         (88,233)
                 Closing book value                             631,603         266,267
                                                              7,514,770        7,825,449

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