Page 152 - Pakistan Oilfields Limited - Annual Report 2021
P. 152



          FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2021

                                                                                  2021              2020
                                                                      Note             Rupees ('000)

           21.      OTHER FINANCIAL ASSETS

                    Investments at fair value through profit or loss   21.1                -             6,519
           21.1     Investments classified as fair value through profit or loss

                    Balance at the beginning of the year                               6,519           813,478
                    Additions during the year                                        300,621         2,226,167
                    Redemptions during the year                                     (307,169)       (3,033,172)
                    Fair value adjustment                                                 29                46
                    Balance at the end of the year                                         -             6,519

           21.1.1   Investments in mutual funds classified as fair value through profit or loss at June 30 include the following:
                                                             2021                            2020
                                                Number of    Cost     Fair value  Number of   Cost    Fair value
                                                  units                           units
                                                                          Rupees ('000)

                    Listed securities
                    Meezan Sovereign Fund               -          -          -     12,967       545        670
                    Pakistan Cash Management Fund       -          -          -     15,869       634        801
                    Atlas Money Market Fund             -          -          -        37          2         19
                    UBL Liquidity Plus Fund             -          -         -      26,883      2,707      2,709
                    Atlas Income Fund                   -          -         -       4,453      1,316      2,320
                                                        -          -         -      60,209      5,204      6,519

           21.1.2   The fair value of listed securities is based on quoted market prices at the statement of financial
                    position date. The quoted market price used is the current bid price.
                                                                                  2021              2020
                                                                                       Rupees ('000)

           22.      CASH AND BANK BALANCES

                    Bank balance on

                         Short term deposits                                      44,781,900        32,228,089
                         Interest/mark-up bearing saving accounts                  2,696,309         4,384,768
                         Current accounts                                             91,446            65,892

                                                                                  47,569,655        36,678,749
                    Cash in hand                                                       2,551             1,858
                                                                                  47,572,206        36,680,607

                    Balance with banks include foreign currency balances of US $  142,461 thousand (2020: US $ 127,602
                    thousand).  The balances in saving accounts and short term deposits earned interest/ mark-up
                    ranging from 0.3% to 8.21% (2020: 1.00% to 15.20%).

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