Page 178 - Pakistan Oilfields Limited - Annual Report 2021
P. 178
S.No. Key Audit Matters How the matter was addressed in our audit
(ii) Investment in associated companies
(Refer note 17 to the consolidated financial
The Group has investment in its associated Our audit procedures in relation to assessment of carrying
companies National Refinery Limited (NRL) value of investment in associated companies, amongst
and Attock Petroleum Limited (APL). As others, included the following:
at June 30, 2021, the carrying amount of • Assessed the appropriateness of management’s
investment in above referred companies accounting for investment in associated
amounted to Rs 10,459 million (net of companies;
recognised impairment loss of Rs 3,809
million) and Rs 2,837 million respectively. • Understood management’s process for
The carrying amount of APL is higher by Rs identifying the existence of impairment
595 million in relation to the quoted market indicators in respect of investment in associated
value of its shares. companies;
The Group carries out impairment • Evaluated the independent external investment
assessment at each reporting period end advisor’s and management expert’s competence,
of the value of investment where there are capabilities and objectivity;
indicators of impairment. The Group has
assessed the recoverable amount of the • Made inquiries of the independent external
investment in associated companies based investment advisor/ management expert and
on the higher of the value-in-use (“VIU”) and assessed the valuation methodology used;
fair value (quoted market price as at June
30, 2021). VIU is based on valuation analysis • Checked, on sample basis, the reasonableness
carried out by the independent external of the input data provided by the management
investment advisor for NRL and by the to the independent external investment advisor
management’s expert for APL. VIU is based and the management’s expert, to supporting
on a discounted cash flow model which evidence;
involves estimation of future cash flows. • Assessed the reasonableness of cash flow
This estimation is inherently uncertain and
requires significant judgement on both projections, challenging and performing audit
future cash flows and the discount rate procedures on assumptions such as growth rate,
applied to the future cash flows. future revenue and costs, terminal growth rate
and discount rate by comparing the assumptions
In view of significant management to historical results, budgets and comparing the
judgement involved in the determination
of recoverable value i.e. higher of VIU and current year’s results with prior year forecast and
fair value, we considered this as a key audit other relevant information;
matter. • Checked mathematical accuracy of cash flows
• Performed independently a sensitivity analysis
in consideration of the potential impact of
reasonably possible upside or downside changes
in key assumptions; and
• Checked quoted price of investment in NRL and
APL as of June 30, 2021 with publicly available
stock exchange data; and
• Assessed the adequacy of the Company’s
disclosures in the financial statements in this