Page 193 - Pakistan Oilfields Limited - Annual Report 2021
P. 193



          FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2021

           4.5      Foreign currency transactions and translation

                    Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded at the rates of exchange ruling on the date of
                    transaction. All assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are translated into rupees at the rates of
                    exchange ruling on the date of the statement of financial position. Exchange differences are dealt
                    with through the statement of profit or loss.

           4.6      Taxation
                    Provision for current taxation is based on taxable income at applicable tax rates, adjusted for royalty
                    payments to the Government.

                    Deferred tax is accounted for on all temporary differences using the liability method. Deferred
                    tax liability has been calculated at the estimated effective rate of 30% after taking into account
                    availability of future depletion allowance and set off available in respect of royalty payments to the
                    Government whereas deferred tax liability of CAPGAS has been calculated at applicable tax rate.

           4.7      Provisions

                    Provisions are recognized when the Group has a legal or constructive obligation as a result of past
                    events, when it is probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation and
                    a reliable estimate of the amount can be made.

           4.8      Provision for decommissioning costs
                    Provision for decommissioning costs is recognized in full for development wells and production
                    facilities. The amount recognized is the present value of the estimated cost to abandon a well
                    and remove production facilities. A corresponding intangible asset of an amount equivalent to
                    the provision is also created and is amortized on unit of production basis over the total proved
                    developed reserves of the field or @ 5% where the life of a field is more than 20 years.

                    Most of these abandonment and removal events are many years in the future and the precise
                    requirements that will have to be met when the abandonment and removal event actually occurs
                    are uncertain. Abandonment and asset removal technologies and costs are constantly changing, as
                    are political, environmental, safety and public expectations. Consequently, the timing and amount
                    of future cash flows are subject to significant uncertainty.

                    The timing and amount of future expenditures are reviewed annually, together with the interest rate
                    to be used in discounting the cash flows. Any difference between the liability recognized and actual
                    costs incurred are charged/credited to statement of profit or loss in the year of decommissioning.

                    The effect of changes resulting from revisions to the estimate of the liability are incorporated on a
                    prospective basis.

                    The decommissioning cost has been discounted at a real discount rate of 1.30% (2020: 1.65%) per
           4.9      Employee compensated absences

                    The Group provides for compensated absences for all eligible employees in accordance with the
                    rules of the Group.

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