Page 68 - Pakistan Oilfields Limited - Annual Report 2021
P. 68


           Addressing Investors              is also maintained on POL’s       Auditors

           Grievances                        website         The auditors, Messer A.F.
                                                                               Ferguson & Co., Chartered
           The interest of small investors                                     Accountants, retire and offer
           and minority shareholders is      Access of                         themselves for reappointment.
           of prime importance to the        Shareholders on the
           Company. In order to keep a       Company’s Website
           vigilant eye and to provide a     All our shareholders and          Pattern of
           platform to the investors for     general public can visit the      Shareholding
           voicing their concerns, a team    Company’s website “www.           The pattern of shareholding as
           under corporate section has” which has          at June 30, 2021 is annexed to
           been designated to ensure         dedicated section for investors   the Annual Report.
           that grievances/ complaints       containing information
           of the investors are heard        related to annual, half yearly
           and redressed, in a quick and     and quarterly financial           Holding Company
           efficient manner.                                                   The Attock Oil Company
                                             statements and to have a
           Mechanism of lodging any          glance on shareholders’ related   Limited, incorporated in
           complaint/issues is detailed      information.                      England, is the holding
           on the website of the                                               company of Pakistan Oilfields
           Company. Designated contact       Share Price Sensitivity           Limited.
           numbers and email address
           of the Company / Regulator is     The Company disseminates          Consolidated Financial
           disseminated among investor       all material and price sensitive   Statements
           through company broadcasts.       information to the Pakistan
                                             Stock Exchange (PSX) through      The consolidated accounts of
           In order to promote investor      Pakistan Unified Corporate        the Company and its subsidiary
           relations and facilitate access   Action Reporting System           are annexed to the Annual
           to the Company for grievance,     (PUCARS).                         Report.
           an ‘Investors’ Relations’ section

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