Page 65 - Pakistan Oilfields Limited - Annual Report 2021
P. 65
b. HR and Remuneration Committee
Name Role
Mr. Babar Bashir Nawaz Chairman
Mr. Shuaib A. Malik Member
Mr. Abdus Sattar Member
During the year, the Board of Directors met five times. The number of meetings attended by each
director during the year is as follows:
Board of Audit HR & R
Sr. No. Name of Director Directors Committee Committee
Meetings Meetings Meetings
1 Mr. Laith G. Pharaon 5*
2 Mr. Wael G. Pharaon 5* 4* 1*
3 Mr. Shuaib A. Malik 5 1
4 Mr. Abdus Sattar 5 4 1
5 Mr. Sajid Nawaz 5
6 Mr. Shamim Ahmad Khan 5 4
7 Mr. Tariq Iqbal Khan 5 4
* Overseas directors attended the meetings either in person or through alternate directors.
Board Meetings Held The aggregate amount have been met and fulfilled in
Outside Pakistan charged in these financial this regard.
statements in respect of fee
All BoD meetings were held
through video links due to to 7 directors (2020: 6) was Other Corporate
COVID-19 pandemic. Rs 7,885 thousand (2020: Rs Governance
6,873 thousand). This includes
Rs 5,126 thousand (2020: Other matters related to
Directors’ Rs 4,358 thousand) paid to 4 Corporate Governance are
Remuneration non-executive (2020: 4) of the annexed to the Annual Report.
The BoD is authorized to
determine, review and amend, Trading in Shares
from time to time, the fee Security Clearance of by Directors and
structure for attending the Foreign Directors Executives
meetings of the BoD or any
committee of Directors. A Foreign Directors elected on All direct or indirect trading
Director may also be paid the BoD of Pakistan Oilfields and holdings of Company’s
all travelling, hotel and other Limited requires security shares by Directors, CEO,
expenses properly incurred by clearance from Ministry of substantial shareholders,
him in attending and returning Interior through Securities executives or their spouses
from meetings of the Directors & Exchange Commission notify in writing to the
or any committee of Directors of Pakistan (SECP). All legal Company Secretary along with
or General Meetings of the formalities and requirements the price, number of shares,
Company. form of share certificates and