Page 135 - Pakistan Oilfield Limited - Annual Report 2022
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                                                                                              Annual Report 2022

             S.No.   Key Audit Matters                            How the matter was addressed in our audit
                     model which involves estimation of future cash   •  Checked, on sample basis the reasonableness of
                     flows. This estimation is inherently uncertain and   the input data provided by the management to
                     requires significant judgement on both future cash   the independent external investment advisor, to
                     flows and the discount rate applied to the future   supporting evidence;
                     cash flows.
                                                                    •  Assessed the reasonableness of cash flow
                     In view of significant management judgement      projections, challenging and performing audit
                     involved in the estimation of value in use we    procedures on assumptions such as growth rate,
                     consider this as a key audit matter.             future revenue and costs, terminal growth rate
                                                                      and discount rate by comparing the assumptions
                                                                      to historical results, budgets and comparing the
                                                                      current year’s results with prior year forecast and
                                                                      other relevant information;

                                                                    •  Checked mathematical accuracy of cash flows

                                                                    •  Performed independently a sensitivity analysis in
                                                                      consideration of the potential impact of reasonably
                                                                      possible upside or downside changes in key
                                                                    •  Checked quoted price of investment in NRL as
                                                                      of  June  30,  2022  with  publicly  available  stock
                                                                      exchange data; and
                                                                    •  Assessed  the  adequacy  of  the  Company’s
                                                                      disclosures in the financial statements in this
             (iii)   Recognition of Revenue                       Our audit procedures in relation to the matter, amongst
                                                                  others, included the following:
                     (Refer note 4.24 and 22 to the financial statements)
                                                                    •  Assessed the design, implementation and
                     The Company is engaged in the production and     operating effectiveness of the relevant key internal
                     sale of oil and gas resources.
                                                                      controls over revenue recognition from the sale of
                     The Company recognised net sales during the year   products;
                     from the sale of crude oil, natural gas and POLGAS
                     – Refill of cylinders amounting to Rs 29,718 million,   •  Performed test of details on sample basis for sales
                     Rs 12,269 million and Rs 9,673 million respectively.  transactions by inspecting respective invoices,
                                                                      delivery challans and acknowledgement of
                     Revenue is recognised when control of the        customers;
                     products has transferred, being when the
                     products are delivered to the customer, and there   •  Checked on sample basis, notifications of OGRA
                     is no unfulfilled obligation that could affect the   for  natural  gas  and  POLGAS  prices.  For  POLGAS,
                     customer’s acceptance of the product. Revenue    also checked on sample basis Company’s
                     is measured at the fair value of the consideration   mechanism for the calculation of price based on
                     to which the Company expects to be entitled in   OGRA’s notification. Performed, on a sample basis,
                     exchange for transferring good/ services. Effect   recalculation of crude oil and natural gas prices in
                     of adjustments, if any, arising from revision in   accordance with applicable petroleum policies /
                     sale prices is reflected as and when the prices are   agreements / decision of Economic Coordination
                     finalised with the customers and / or approved by   Committee of the Cabinet;
                     Government of Pakistan.
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