Page 35 - Pakistan Oilfield Limited - Annual Report 2022
P. 35

                                                                                              Annual Report 2022

             whole industry. Any unfavorable movement in         3D Seismic data processing and interpretation has
             international Oil prices or exchange rates adversely  been completed to identify new prospects.
             affects the POL’s profits.
                                                                 3D seismic designing study has been completed in
             On the production side, POL is pretty much          Hisal block. Contract for 250 Square Kilometers of
             hopeful to maintain the existing production         3D seismic data acquisition has been awarded and
             volume and sales, as Pakistan is energy deficient   currently the acquisition is in progress.
             country and will be able to absorb all local oil
             and gas production easily. POL has all resources    At Gurgalot block, 320 square kilometers 3D
             to complete its development and exploration         seismic data acquisition has been completed and
             activities as planned. Keeping in view the          data interpretation is in progress.
             prevalent energy deficit situation in the country,   At Nareli block, 2D seismic data acquisition
             POL is also considering to invest in solar business.  program of 456 line kilometers-firm and 164 line

             Performance related to forward                      kilometers-contingent has been approved.

             looking disclosure made in last                     Khaur North-1 well was sidetracked from the depth
             year.                                               of 6,592 ft and reached to a total depth of 8,666
                                                                 ft, tested within the un-tested overturned fault but
             POL is continuously investing in seismic data       no hydrocarbons were found. The well has been
             acquisition, processing and interpretation. During   plugged and abandoned.
             the year, 340.94 square kilometers 3D Seismic       At DG Khan block (operated by POL with 70%
             data acquisition at Taung block was completed       share), DGK-1, exploratory well was spudded on
             and data processing is in progress.                 October 16, 2021 and drilled to a depth of 12,601

             Langrial 3D seismic data acquisition of remaining   feet, penetrating full sequence of one of the main
             166 square kilometers is in progress.               target i.e., the Chiltan formation.

             152.93 square kilometers 3D seismic data
             acquisition, over KOT area, processing and
             interpretation has been completed. TAL West area
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