Page 37 - Pakistan Oilfield Limited - Annual Report 2022
P. 37
Annual Report 2022
Strategies to Objective 2: Enhance/ Objective 4: improved
achieve the strategic maintain production from financial/internal controls
existing reserves through
objectives and targets the application of the best Strategy: Enhance profits
by cutting costs mainly in
Keeping our focus on position technologies and expertise the exploration and drilling
in the core business, we utilize Strategy: Enhance/maintain activities through improved
our brand name, interesting current production levels in internal controls.
association culture, proficient existing producing fields.
magnificence and monetary Priority: High.
quality and broadening in Priority: High. Status: Short term objective
neighbourhoods distinctive Status: Medium term objective (<2 ) years.
area for further exploration and (2-7) years.
development and subsequently Opportunity/threat: Use of
to accomplished cooperative Opportunity / threat: High BI Tools/Reports will improve
energy towards esteem creation demand in the country. financial/internal controls and
for our partners. However depletion in natural increase overall efficiency.
resources, high costs involved Possible threats are high
Objective 1: Enhance and delay in requisite approvals cost, hardware malfunction
production and reserves from government is a hindrance or downtime and training of
through exploration in new in achieving this objective. employees for new technologies
blocks/ locations Objective 3: POLGAS are main challenges in achieving
this objective.
Strategy: Diversifying in
different locations across the Strategy: Sales expansion
country for further exploration/ through geographical/
production activities. customerwise diversification
and improved quality.
Priority: High.
Priority: High.
Status: long term objective (7- Status: Short term objective
12) years. (<2) years.
Opportunity / threat: High Opportunity/threat: Overall
demand in the country. increased demand. Possible
However depletion in natural threats are economic
resources, high costs involved conditions, competition and
in exploration/drilling and delay inflation (affecting individuals
in requisite approvals from purchasing power).
government is a hindrance in
achieving this objective.