Page 21 - Condensed Interim Financial Statements - for the nine months ended March 31, 2024
P. 21

Notes to and forming part of the Condensed Interim
        Financial Statements (Unaudited)
        For the nine months ended March 31, 2024

                On December 27, 2017, the Ministry of Energy (Petroleum Division) notified certain
               amendments  in  Petroleum  Policy  2012  which  also  included  addition  of  following
               explanation of conversion package:
                “the conversion package shall include (i) price of Natural Gas for New Exploration Efforts
               (ii) windfall levy on Natural Gas (iii) EWT gas production, pricing and obligations (iv)
               Windfall levy on Oil & Condensate, only for  PCAs converting from 1994 and 1997
               Petroleum Policies and (v) Financial obligations relating to production bonus, social
               welfare and training”.
                Under  the  said  Notification,  the  Supplemental  Agreements  already  executed  for
               conversion from Petroleum policies of 1994 & 1997 shall be amended within 90 days,
               failing which the working interest owners will not remain eligible for gas price incentive.
               On January 3, 2018, Directorate General Petroleum Concessions (DGPC) has required
               all  exploration  and  production  companies  to  submit  supplemental  agreements  to
               incorporate the aforementioned amendments in Petroleum Concession Agreements
               (PCAs) signed under 1994 and 1997 policies, for execution within the stipulated time as
               specified above.
                Based on legal advice, the Company is of the view that already executed Supplemental
               Agreement cannot be changed unilaterally, the Supplemental Agreement was signed
               under the Conversion Package where gas price was enhanced and Windfall Levy on
               Oil/Condensate (WLO) was not applicable, the impugned SRO by giving retrospective
               effect  amounts  to  taking  away  the  vested  rights  already  accrued  in  favour  of  the
               Company. The Government has no authority to give any law or policy a retrospective
               effect. The Company filed Constitutional Petition challenging the imposition of WLO on
               February  19,  2018  against  Federation  of  Pakistan  through  Ministry  of  Energy
               (Petroleum Division), Islamabad. The Honourable Islamabad High Court after hearing
               the petitioner on February 20, 2018, directed the parties to maintain the status quo in this
               respect. After multiple hearings, the case came up for hearing on May 24, 2022 before
               the Honourable Chief Justice of Islamabad High Court, wherein matter was adjourned till
               June 30, 2022, however the same could not be heard and next date of hearing is yet to be
                On prudent basis additional revenue (net of sales tax) on account of enhanced gas price
               incentive due to conversion from Petroleum Policy 1997 to Petroleum Policy 2012 since
               inception to March 31, 2024 amounting to Rs 29,714,085 thousand will be accounted for
               upon resolution of this matter (including Rs 25,265,875 thousand related to period since
               inception to June 30, 2023). Additional revenue on account of enhanced gas price
               incentive of Rs 26,354,512 thousand and sales tax of Rs 4,515,221 thousand received
               from customer on the basis of notified prices has been shown under "trade and other
               payables". Sales tax of Rs 4,515,221 thousand (June 30, 2023: Rs 3,928,026 thousand)
               received from customer on the basis of notified prices is declared in the monthly sales
               tax return as well as duly deposited with Federal Board of Revenue by the Company. The
               amount  so  deposited  is  shown  within  "advances,  deposits,  prepayments  and  other

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