Page 23 - Condensed Interim Financial Statements - for the nine months ended March 31, 2024
P. 23

Notes to and forming part of the Condensed Interim
        Financial Statements (Unaudited)
        For the nine months ended March 31, 2024

                                                (Unaudited)             (Unaudited)
                                            Three months ended      Nine months ended
                                           Mar. 31, 2024     Mar. 31, 2023  Mar. 31, 2024     Mar. 31, 2023
                                                            Rupees ('000)
        23. OTHER CHARGES
           Workers' profit participation fund    745,051     376,605    2,211,113     1,206,378
           Workers' welfare fund              176,157     126,095     526,579     450,424
                                              921,208     502,700    2,636,692     1,656,802

        24. OTHER INCOME - NET
           Income from financial assets - bank balances,

                short term deposits and treasury bills   3,747,621      3,132,254   11,749,784     7,343,225
           Exchange (loss) gain on
             financial assets - net          (769,195)    10,804,905   (1,811,814)   14,388,077
           Dividend on Investments classified as fair
               value through profit or loss      392,478        -      497,211         -
           Dividend from subsidiary and
             associated companies
            companies                           96,431     116,021    247,671     633,183
           Rental income                      373,391      38,142    551,221     192,549
           Crude oil transportation income     118,948     115,590    362,813     339,884
           Gas processing fee                   16,496     21,767     60,474      60,790
           Gain on sale of property,
             plant and equipment                     -       (5,076)     756      (2,946)
           Fair value adjustment on investment
             classified as fair value through
             profit or loss                      3,542          -      14,883          -
           Gain on sale of stores and scrap        44     101,046        636     110,479
           Others                                (169)      5,802     78,928       3,809
                                             3,979,587     14,330,451    11,552,763    23,069,050
           Current - for the period          3,694,467     1,918,708    10,681,944     8,384,211
                  - for prior years (note 25.1)   (3,200,000)    -     (3,200,000)     -
                                              494,467     1,918,708    7,481,944     8,384,211
           Deferred                           848,053     (208,581)   3,011,841    (1,483,405)
                                             1,342,520     1,710,127    10,493,785     6,900,806

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