Page 14 - Pakistan Oilfields Limited - Annual Report 2021
P. 14
A grievance is defined, as a condition of employment, which the employee feels, is
unjust or inequitable. It is the policy of the Company to provide all employees with
an opportunity for full consideration of their cases in a situation where the grievance
procedure could be applied. A grievance may be presented orally or in writing.
1. In case of any grievance should discuss the matter concerned, they may then
relating to employment, the and make all efforts to resolve refer the matter in writing
employee should raise the the issue. A written report is to the Chief Executive, who
matter initially with his / her required to be filed with the shall decide whether or not
immediate supervisor within P&A department as to whether to review the case. The CEO’s
a maximum of five (5) working the grievance was resolved or decision shall be final and
days of the event prompting not and confirming the steps binding.
the grievance. In no case, taken toward resolution. 6. It should be noted that in
should the grievance be raised 4. If the grievance is not or the process of attempting
after the expiry of thirty (30) cannot be settled by the to resolve any employee
days of the event. departmental head within grievance, it is also the
2. Having inquired into an three (3) working days, obligation of the employee,
employee’s grievance, the the grievance should as a mature individual, to be
immediate supervisor should be presented to the receptive to suggestions and
discuss the issue and make an Management Committee, to make a serious effort to
effort to resolve the matter at which shall consider all resolve the matter.
the initial level. relevant information and take 7. Employees are expected to
3. If the grievance is not or a decision to resolve the exercise this right in a sensible
problem or give a ruling within
cannot be settled by the and judicious manner. Misuse
immediate supervisor, the three (3) working days of the of this policy is strongly
employee or the immediate case being forwarded by P&A. discouraged.
supervisor should, within three 5. If the decision of the
(3) working days, present the Management Committee
case to the departmental is not acceptable to ” the
head. The departmental head employee and any other party