Page 18 - Pakistan Oilfields Limited - Annual Report 2021
P. 18
Pakistan Oilfields Limited (POL) recognises that a diverse workforce draws on different
perspectives and experiences of different individuals, who together as a team,
effectively contribute towards the achievement of its overall corporate objectives and
success of its business.
We provide an all-inclusive work environment and ensure that all employees receive equal
opportunities, respect and recognition regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, ability, or age.
Our Gender Diversity Policy addresses the following aspects:
Recruitment to both male and female resources, the Company offers
candidates. Likewise, pay raise compensation packages,
Our employees are considered / increments are also purely employee development and
to be an asset for the Company based on merit and work training programs, regardless
and the contribution of each performance of individual staff of gender.
employee towards profitability without any gender-based
and growth of the Company discrimination. Training & Development
is valued. Pakistan Oilfields Training & Development
Limited is an equal opportunity Promotion / Career plays an important role in the
employer and is committed Progression development of competent
towards inducting talented resources. We have designed
and innovative professionals Employees with outstanding a well-defined mechanism
in its workforce, regardless performance and potential for identification and
of gender, race, religion, age, to grow are rewarded with implementation of training
ethnic or national origin and promotion and career programs for all employees
disability. progression purely based
on merit and on work regardless of their gender to
Compensation & Benefits performance, regardless of make them more productive in
gender. Our managers ensure their areas of responsibilities.
We provide market competitive that all employees are treated
salary packages and other fairly and evaluated objectively. Providing conducive work
employment related benefits environment to Female
in order to keep the workforce Employee Retention staff
motivated and fully focused
on their jobs. At the time We promote a culture where All female employees are
of hiring in the Company, a the focus is on the growth facilitated to meet their
competitive salary package and development of our personal commitment /
is offered on the basis of the employees’ managerial and family issues as per approved
job requirement, educational technical skills. We consider policies. Also providing
qualification and work our employees as an asset separate sitting place for
experience, skill set, equally to the Company and in lunch during break hour.
order to retain competent