Page 176 - Pakistan Oilfield Limited - Annual Report 2022
P. 176

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             Notes to and Forming Part of the

             Financial Statements

             For the year ended June 30, 2022

                                                                                    2022              2021
                                                                                         Rupees ('000)
             29.2     Dividend from subsidiary and associated companies
                      Subsidiary company

                       Capgas (Pvt) Limited                                           21,226            12,737
                      Associated company

                       National Refinery Limited                                     199,916                 -
                       Attock Petroleum Limited                                      275,896            45,401
                                                                                     497,038            58,138
             30.      PROVISION FOR TAXATION

                      Current - for the year                                       10,774,352        7,600,364

                      Deferred - for the year                                         277,915         (304,285)
                                                                                   11,052,267        7,296,079
             30.1     Reconciliation of tax charge for the year

                      Accounting profit - before taxation                          36,987,380       20,678,334

                    * Tax at applicable tax rate of 44.98% (2021: 51.09%)          16,636,924       10,564,561
                      Tax effect of depletion allowance, royalty payments
                       and amounts not taxable or taxed at lower rates             (8,076,344)       (3,537,433)
                      Impact of super tax                                           2,386,544                -

                      Tax effect of change in applicable rate in respect
                       of deferred tax                                               364,161                 -

                      Others                                                         (259,018)         268,951

                      Tax charge for the year                                      11,052,267        7,296,079

                    * The applicable tax rate is the weighted average of tax rates applicable to income from oil and gas
                      concessions and income from other activities.

             31.      OPERATING SEGMENTS
                      The financial statements have been prepared on the basis of a single reportable segment. Revenue
                      from external customers for products of the Company is disclosed in note 22.
                      Revenue from two major customers of the Company constitutes 75% of the total revenue during
                      the year ended June 30, 2022 (June 30, 2021: 67%).
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