Page 58 - Pakistan Oilfield Limited - Annual Report 2022
P. 58

             Directors’ Report
             Exploration &

             Development Activities

             Producing Fields                                   Exploration Blocks

             At Balkassar lease (100% owned by POL),            At Ikhlas block (operated by POL with 80%
             Balkassar Deep-1A has been finalised as            share), Jhandial 3D seismic data processing up
             replacement of Balkassar Deep-1 and it will be     to Pre Stack Depth Migration (PSDM) level is in
             spudded during this year.                          progress. On the basis of PSDM interpretation,
                                                                well location of Jhandial-3 will be decided.
             Khaur lease (100% owned by POL), Khaur             Langrial 3D seismic acquisition of remaining 166
             North-1 well was sidetracked from the depth of     square kilometers is in progress.
             6,592 ft and reached to a total depth of 8,666 ft,
             tested within the un-tested overturned fault but   At DG Khan block (operated by POL with 70%
             no hydrocarbons were found. The well has been      share), DGK-1, exploratory well was spudded on
             plugged and abandoned.                             October 16, 2021 and drilled to a depth of 12,601
                                                                feet, penetrating full sequence of one of the
             At Pindori lease (operated by POL with 35%         main target i.e., the Chiltan formation.
             share), evaluation on the prospectivity of
             Chorgali formation in the Pindori-9 well is under   Further drilling at DGK-1 well was carried
             consideration.                                     out and well achieved its target depth and
                                                                preparation of well logging is in progress. After
             At Tal block, (operated by MOL, where POL          taking well logs, further course of action will be
             has a pre-commerciality share of 25%), Tolanj      decided to test the deeper formation.
             West-2 a development well has been spuded
             on April 11, 2022 drilled down to target depth     Remaining leads of DG Khan block are under
             and is currently under testing. As a result of Drill   evaluation.
             Stem Test, the well has tested 12.7 MMscf of gas
             per day, 11.3 barrels of crude per day, and 902    North Dhurnal block (operated by POL with
             barrels of water per day at 32/64” fixed choke     60% share) was awarded on October 13, 2021.
             size at the flowing wellhead pressure of 1,914     A technical workshop was held to conduct a
             psi. Production from the well is expected to start   seismic data review session.
             from December 2022.                                At Kirthar South block (operated by POL with

             At Adhi field (operated by Pakistan Petroleum      51% share), 34% share has been farm-out to
             Limited, where POL has 11% share), Adhi South-7    Polish National Oil and Gas Company (PGNiG)
             has been spudded on April 14, 2022 drilled down    and Assignment Agreement has been submitted
             to its target depth, initial testing results were   to the Government for its approval. Well staking
             500 barrels per day of oil and 0.5 million cubic   of Bandhak-1 well and its access route survey
             feet of gas per day at 28/64” choke size with      have been completed and waiting for the
             flowing well head pressure of 360 psi.             Government’s approval to start construction
             Adhi South-5 was spudded on June 30, 2022 and
             its target depth is 12,401 ft, presently drilling at   At Margala block (operated by MOL where POL
             11,079 ft is in progress.                          has 30% share), Tarnol-1 (an exploratory well)
                                                                has been finalized. Land acquisition/Civil works
             Adhi-35 and Adhi South-6 have been planned in      for the drilling site is in progress.
             the financial year 2022-23.
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