Page 59 - Pakistan Oilfield Limited - Annual Report 2022
P. 59
Annual Report 2022
At Tal block (operated by MOL where POL has At Nareli block operated by Mari Petroleum
pre commerciality share of 25%), based on 3D where POL has 32% share), 2D seismic data
Seismic data interpretation, an exploratory well acquisition program of 456 line kilometers-firm
Razgir has been approved by the joint venture and 164 line kilometers-contingent has been
partners but on hold due to gas price dispute approved.
with the Government. 152.93 square kilometers
3D Seismic data, over KOT area, processing In the recent bidding of Exploration Block, POL
and interpretation has been completed. TAL has won Chahbali Block - Non Operator with 30%
West area 3D Seismic data processing and share.
interpretation has been completed to identify Subsidiary
new prospects.
Mamikhel South-01 well production line has CAPGAS (Private) Limited (CAPGAS)
been completed. In order to start production, CAPGAS earned a profit after tax of Rs 27.8
Government's approval is awaited for the 2012 million during the year (2021: Rs. 14.6 million).
Petroleum Policy Gas Price. It has declared a total dividend of 400.60% for
At Hisal block (operated by PPL where POL has the year 2022 (2021: 291%). CAPGAS received an
25% share), 3D seismic designing study has been average of 21.48 MTD LPG from Adhi plants and
completed. Contract for 250 Square Kilometers an average of 2.95 MTD of LPG from PARCO.
of 3D seismic data acquisition has been awarded Crude Oil Transportation
and currently the acquisition is in progress.
Khaur Crude Oil Decanting Facility (KCDF)
At Gurgalot block (operated by OGDCL where & other pipelines continued to operate
POL has 20% share), 320 square kilometers 3D satisfactorily. During the year, a total of 8.6
seismic data acquisition has been completed and million barrels (2021: 7.3 million barrels) of crude
data interpretation is in progress.
oil from Nashpa, TAL and others were pumped to
At Taung block (operated by Mari Petroleum Attock Refinery Limited through these facilities
where POL has 40% share), 340.94 square and pipelines.
kilometers 3D Seismic data acquisition has been
completed and seismic data interpretation is in