Page 63 - Pakistan Oilfield Limited - Annual Report 2022
P. 63

                                                                                              Annual Report 2022

                  partners in operated and non-operated              In order to mitigate the risk, the Company
                  projects and by providing them necessary           maintains strong control and has also taken
                  resources/information/approvals required           insurance coverage.
                  for flow of work.
                                                               16.   Increase in fuel cost: The Company is trying
             12.   Terrorist attacks: A terrorist attack could       to switch to cheaper alternatives from
                  have a material and adverse effect on the          diesel to gas in order to keep the operating
                  Company’s business. The Company has                cost low and keep the fields economically
                  taken a terrorist insurance cover of all its       viable.
                  material installations to mitigate this risk.
                                                               17.   Increase in the SNGPL line pressure: Due
             13.   Third party liability: A third party liability    to ever increasing SNGPL line pressure, it
                  could have a material and adverse effect on        has become difficult to inject gas into the
                  the business. In order to mitigate the risk,       SNGPL network. In order to avoid flaring of
                  the Company is continuously evaluating the         produced gas the Company is continuously
                  areas where insurance cover is required            monitoring the SNGPL line pressures and
                  and it has also taken a third party liability      has initiated the process of increasing its
                  insurance which covers its drilling areas,         delivery pressures.
                  pipelines and material installations.
                                                               18.   Overdue receivables : The Company
             14.   Human Resource Risks: Lack of succession          issues the invoices at the earliest possible
                  planning may lead to hierarchical                  time and is continuously monitoring
                  breakdown. The Company has prepared                the receivables position with the help
                  department wise organogram and jobs                of reports generated through Business
                  descriptions. Requisitions for new positions       Intelligence module. Where required, the
                  and replacements are promptly processed            Company adopts a strong follow up with
                  and advertised accordingly.                        refineries and SNGPL for swift payment of
                                                                     its invoices.
             15.   Lost in hole/damage beyond repair: During
                  drilling, costly equipment are run in the
                  hole for several jobs at different depths.
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