Page 62 - Pakistan Oilfield Limited - Annual Report 2022
P. 62

             Directors’ Report
             Risks & Opportunities

                  The vulnerability can give rise to the              The Company’s LPG marketing business
                  following risks                                     may also be adversely affected due to
                                                                      increased competition, decline in margins
             •    Commercial risks                                    or disruption to LPG supply sources. In
             •    Operational risk– not having materials              LPG marketing business, the Company has

             •    Contractual risk– exposure to liquidated            established a good storage capacity for
                  damages                                             continuous supply to keep margins intact
                                                                      and it continues to explore sustainable
                  The Company is mitigating these risks by            cost-effective sources of further supplies.
                  preparing detailed well prognosis before
                  the spud date and timely placement of         9.    Information technology failures: The
                  procurement orders for long lead items.             Company’s operations may be adversely
                                                                      affected due to information technology
             6.   Reservoir engineering and process: The              failures especially in today’s environment
                  over estimation of reserves and production          of reliance on IT systems, regulation and
                  can lead to investment of significant               reporting deadlines. The company has a
                  capital in the form of plant design by the          separate IT wing to control and monitor all
                  engineering function. As far as practical,          related functions especially in relation to
                  the Company obtains third party reserve             back up policy for continuous functioning.
                  certification to mitigate this risk.
                                                                10.   Economic and political risks: Uncertain
             7.   Laws & Environmental regulations: The               economic and financial market conditions
                  oil and gas industry is regulated by a              resulting from economic or political
                  number of government regulations which              instability.
                  are required to be strictly followed.
                  Default in this regard can have serious       11.   Joint Venture Partners: Joint-venture
                  consequences. E&P Companies must                    operations are becoming increasingly
                  take extra precaution to ensure they are            common across E&P companies as these
                  complying with all mandatory regulations            improve their business by leveraging
                  when proceeding on a project. The risks of          the expertise and resources of other
                  non compliance can include cost overruns,           participants. In particular, when some
                  fines, prosecution, work stoppage and               fields/blocks are new and too challenging
                  physical security threats. The Company              to be handled exclusively and the
                  is cautious about where they are drilling           operational costs are high, then companies
                  and be well informed and aware of the               opt to have another partner in order to
                  applicable laws.                                    have their expertise and to share the
                                                                      costs involved. POL is also operating in
             8.   Increased competition: With increased               a joint venture environment and many
                  competition in the oil and gas exploration          of our projects are operated by other
                  and production sector, particularly in              partners. Our ability to influence partners
                  relation to the application and award of            is sometimes limited, due to our small
                  exploration concessions, the Company                share in non-operated ventures. Non-
                  may be faced with increased competition.            alignment on various strategic decisions
                  The Company is in a continuous process              in joint ventures may result in operational
                  to explore new opportunities by joining             and production inefficiencies or delay.
                  hands with other E & P companies by                 We mitigate this risk by continuous and
                  way of farm-in and farm-out agreements.             regular engagement with joint venture
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