Page 67 - Pakistan Oilfield Limited - Annual Report 2022
P. 67

                                                                                              Annual Report 2022

             facilities, modern library, highly    Students of the institute     Dr. Rashad Degree College
             qualified teaching staff and          are no less than others,      The College started as an
             facilities for extracurricular        like every year students      Intermediate College in 2007
             activities. Brief summary of          of technical college          and was upgraded to a Degree
             educational activities are            participated in the Mela      College in the year 2010 with
             mentioned below;                      and presented their ideas     the objective of providing
                                                   in the form of working        quality education to the next
             Dr. Rashad Institute of               Models. They presented a      generation of Khaur and its
             Technical Education                   model of a TOWN working       surroundings.

             The college introduced its            completely on SOLAR
             technical section in the Year         POWER. Their stall won        The College is providing best
             2015 affiliated with PBTE             the first prize. They also    educational facilities in Khaur
             and registered with TEVTA.            won individual prizes in      and its surrounding area. It
             It started offering DAE in            different competitions.       is producing good results at
             Petroleum, Electrical and         •   Participation in ICCI         Inter and Graduation level. The
             Electronics. At present, the          Environment Expo.             College offers Pure Sciences
             College is offering DAE in                                          (Double Maths/Physics, Double
             petroleum and Electrical.             Islamabad Chamber of          Maths/ Computer, Botany,
             Observing the dire need               Commerce organized an         Zoology and Chemistry) at
             for DAE in drilling, and with         Expo in order to create       Degree level.
             no detailed course offered            environment awareness.        After the Higher Education
             in Pakistan the Instituted            All the surrounding           Commission declared the
             developed a three year course         universities were invited     two-year B.Sc degree as the
             in drilling and got it approved       in the under mentioned        Associate Degree, the College
             from TEVTA in the year 2021.          competitions:-                managed to get affiliation with

             •   Participation in NCPC’s           1.  Model/Poster contest.     Punjab University for a four-
                 National Environment              2.  Photography contest.      year BS in Computer Science
                 Mela for the noble cause of                                     (BSCS) program in the year
                 environmental awareness.          Students won the third        2018. The first batch of nine
                                                   prize amongst twenty          female students passed out
                                                   participants.                 in flying colors in 2022. At
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