Page 163 - Pakistan Oilfields Limited - Annual Report 2021
P. 163



          FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2021

             (b)    Liquidity risk

                    Liquidity risk is the risk that an entity will encounter difficulty in meeting obligations associated with
                    financial liabilities.

                    The Company manages liquidity risk by maintaining sufficient cash and marketable securities. At
                    June 30, 2021, the Company had financial assets of Rs 55,501,160 thousand (2020: Rs 51,671,953

                    The table below analyses the Company’s financial liabilities into relevant maturity groupings based
                    on the remaining period at the statement of financial position to the maturity date. The amounts
                    disclosed in the table are undiscounted cash flows which have been inflated using appropriate
                    inflation rate, where applicable.

                                                           Less than 1 year   Between 1 to 5     Over 5 years

                                                                               Rupees ('000)

                    At June 30, 2021

                    Long term deposits                                   -           873,412                 -
                    Trade and other payables                    22,728,790                 -                 -
                    Unclaimed dividend                             244,495
                    At June 30, 2020

                    Long term deposits                                   -           861,129                 -
                    Trade and other payables                    20,949,379                 -                 -
                    Unclaimed dividend                             214,307

              (c)   Market risk

                 (i) Currency risk

                    Foreign exchange risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will
                    fluctuate because of changes in foreign exchange rates. Foreign exchange risk arises mainly from
                    future commercial transactions or receivables and payables that exist due to transactions in foreign

                    The Company is exposed to currency risk arising from currency exposure with respect to the US
                    dollar. Currently foreign exchange risk is restricted to trade debts, bank balances, receivable from/
                    payable to joint operating partners, payable to suppliers.

                    Financial assets include Rs 55,054,842 thousand (2020: Rs 48,920,065 thousand) and financial
                    liabilities include Rs 688,637 thousand (2020: Rs 1,330,689 thousand) which are subject to currency

                    If exchange rates had been 10% lower/higher with all other variables held constant, profit after tax
                    for the year would have been Rs 3,805,634 thousand lower/higher (2020: Rs 3,331,256 thousand

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