Page 209 - Pakistan Oilfields Limited - Annual Report 2021
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          FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2021

           13.1  Operating assets
                                  Freehold    Buildings    Pipelines    Plant and machinery    Gas    Motor    Chattels   Computer and    Total
                                   land          and pumps    Field plants    Rigs    cylinders    vehicles    software
                                                                    Rupees ('000)
               As at July 1, 2019
               Cost                29,830    536,233    2,421,162    15,525,416    738,505    956,888    585,303    174,582    487,042    21,454,961
               Accumulated depreciation   -      (254,220)   (1,386,016)   (9,651,487)   (549,123)   (712,765)   (512,850)   (128,617)   (455,009)   (13,650,087)

               Net book value      29,830    282,013    1,035,146    5,873,929    189,382    244,123    72,453    45,965    32,033    7,804,874
               Year ended June 30, 2020

               Opening net book value   29,830    282,013    1,035,146    5,873,929    189,382    244,123    72,453    45,965    32,033    7,804,874
               Additions             418    11,418    58,463    613,215    9,861    7,645    34,075    11,269    65,233    811,597
               Cost                   -      (117)   (6,932)   (14,985)   (3,565)   (6,301)   (1,681)   (1,328)   (11,180)   (46,089)
               Depreciation           -      51     6,521    14,139    3,565    6,301    1,681    1,301    11,107    44,666
                                      -      (66)   (411)   (846)     -       -       -      (27)   (73)   (1,423)
               Depreciation charge    -      (23,041)   (191,500)   (1,133,700)   (41,302)   (44,406)   (29,762)   (12,172)   (32,679)   (1,508,562)
               Closing net book value   30,248    270,324    901,698    5,352,598    157,941    207,362    76,766    45,035    64,514    7,106,486
               As at July 1, 2020

               Cost                30,248    547,534    2,472,693    16,123,646    744,801    958,232    617,697    184,523    541,095    22,220,469
               Accumulated depreciation   -      (277,210)   (1,570,995)   (10,771,048)   (586,860)   (750,870)   (540,931)   (139,488)   (476,581)   (15,113,983)
               Net book value      30,248    270,324    901,698    5,352,598    157,941    207,362    76,766    45,035    64,514    7,106,486

               Year ended June 30, 2021
               Opening net book value   30,248    270,324    901,698    5,352,598    157,941    207,362    76,766    45,035    64,514    7,106,486
               Additions              -      5,289    78,375    264,224    67,464    12,985    35,097    9,082    70,187    542,703
               Cost                   -      (1,608)   (4,756)   (15,771)   (6,753)   (6,069)   (9,646)   (628)   (27,647)   (72,878)
               Depreciation           -      455    4,724    14,461    6,672    6,069    9,099    613    27,640    69,733
                                      -      (1,153)   (32)   (1,310)   (81)   -      (547)   (15)   (7)   (3,145)

               Depreciation charge    -      (21,363)   (186,692)   (1,099,614)   (41,641)   (49,588)   (29,258)   (11,489)   (36,320)   (1,475,965)
               Closing net book value   30,248    253,097    793,349    4,515,898    183,683    170,759    82,058    42,613    98,374    6,170,079
               As at June 30, 2021
               Cost                30,248    551,215    2,546,312    16,372,099    805,512    965,148    643,148    192,977    583,635    22,690,294
               Accumulated depreciation   -      (298,118)   (1,752,963)   (11,856,201)   (621,829)   (794,389)   (561,090)   (150,364)   (485,261)   (16,520,215)
               Net book value      30,248    253,097    793,349    4,515,898    183,683    170,759    82,058    42,613    98,374    6,170,079
               Annual rate of
               Depreciation (%)       -       5      10      10      10      10      20    12.5-20    25

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