Page 204 - Pakistan Oilfields Limited - Annual Report 2021
P. 204



          FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2021

                                                                                  2021              2020
                                                                                       Rupees ('000)

           6.       SHARE CAPITAL

                    Authorised capital

                    500,000,000 (2020: 500,000,000) ordinary shares of Rs 10 each   5,000,000        5,000,000
                    Issued, subscribed and paid up capital

                    Shares issued for cash 20,200,000
                     (2020: 20,200,000) ordinary shares                             202,000           202,000

                    Shares issued as fully paid bonus shares
                    263,655,104 (2020: 263,655,104) ordinary shares               2,636,551         2,636,551

                    283,855,104 (2020: 283,855,104) ordinary shares of Rs 10 each  2,838,551        2,838,551
           6.1      The Company is a subsidiary of The Attock Oil Company Limited which held 149,794,518 (2020:
                    149,794,518) ordinary shares at the year end.

                                                                                  2021              2020
                                                                                       Rupees ('000)

           7.       CAPITAL RESERVE

                    Bonus shares issued by subsidiary/associated companies            71,395            71,395
                    Special reserve - note 7.1                                        15,437            15,429
                    Utilised special reserve - note 7.2                            1,941,044         1,941,044
                                                                                   2,027,876         2,027,868

           7.1      This represents the Group’s share of post-acquisition profit set aside as a special reserve by associated
                    companies on account of expansion and modernisation of refineries or to offset against any future
                    loss of Rs 15,196 thousand (2020: Rs 15,196 thousand), as a result of the directive of the Government
                    to divert net profit after tax above 50 percent of paid-up capital and maintenance reserve of Rs 241
                    thousand (2020: Rs 233 thousand) retained by an associated company to pay for major maintenance
                    expenses in terms of Power Purchase Agreement. Special reserves are not available for distribution.

           7.2      This represents the Group’s share of amounts utilised by associated companies out of the Special
                    Reserve for upgradation and expansion of the refineries.

                                                                                  2021              2020
                                                                                       Rupees ('000)
           8.       REVENUE RESERVES
                    Insurance reserve - note 8.1                                     200,000           200,000
                    General reserve - note 8.2                                     7,077,325         7,077,325
                    Unappropriated profit                                         30,810,225        29,706,730
                                                                                  38,087,550        36,984,055

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