Page 215 - Pakistan Oilfields Limited - Annual Report 2021
P. 215



          FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2021

           17.3     The tables below provide summarised financial information for associated companies.  The
                    information disclosed reflects the amounts presented in the audited financial statements of the
                    relevant associated companies, for the year ended June 30, 2021 (2020: June 30, 2020) and not the
                    reporting entity’s share of those amounts.

                                                 National Refinery Limited  Attock Petroleum Limited  Attock Information Technology
                                                                                              Services (Pvt) Limited
                                                  2021       2020       2021       2020      2021       2020

                                                     Rupees ('000)        Rupees ('000)         Rupees ('000)

                    Summarised financial position
                    Current assets               36,192,216    21,345,597    44,210,980    35,654,693    359,765    293,869
                    Non- current assets          39,489,300    41,967,193    17,686,905    15,583,639    75,656    89,096
                    Current liabilities          42,919,804    32,983,296    31,795,455    27,908,728    22,119    22,806
                    Non- current liabilities      1,174,325    492,208    7,381,496    4,883,583    5,885    9,283
                    Net assets                   31,587,387    29,837,286    22,720,934    18,446,021    407,417    350,876
                    Reconciliation to carrying amounts

                    Net assets as at July 1      29,837,690    33,873,469    18,446,021    18,926,735    350,876    291,654
                    Profit/(loss) for the year    1,770,100    (4,063,762)   4,919,632    1,008,294    56,540    59,222
                    Other comprehensive (loss)/income   (19,999)   27,983    2,244    3,984        -         -
                    Dividends paid                     -          -      (646,963)   (1,492,992)   -         -
                    Net assets as at June 30     31,587,791    29,837,690    22,720,934    18,446,021    407,416    350,876
                    Group's percentage shareholding in the
                    associate                       25%        25%     7.0175%    7.0175%       10%       10%

                    Group’s share in net assets   7,896,948    7,459,423    1,594,442    1,294,450    40,742    35,088
                    Excess of purchase consideration over
                    carrying amount at the date of acquisition   6,371,355    6,371,355    1,242,982    1,242,982    -       -
                    Proportionate share in carrying value of
                    net assets before impairment   14,268,303    13,830,778    2,837,424    2,537,432    40,742    35,088

                    Impairment                   (3,808,877)   (5,434,289)   -          -          -         -

                    Carrying amount of investment   10,459,426    8,396,489    2,837,424    2,537,432    40,742    35,088
                    Summarised statements of
                    comprehensive income
                    Net revenue                 139,625,198    125,612,646    188,645,375    201,078,720    151,297    142,949

                    (Loss)/ profit for the year   1,770,100    (4,063,762)   4,919,632    1,008,294    56,540    59,222
                    Other comprehensive income     (19,999)    27,983     2,244      3,984         -         -
                    Total comprehensive income    1,750,101    (4,035,779)   4,921,876    1,012,278    56,540    59,222

                    Dividend received from associates   -         -      45,401    104,771         -         -

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