Page 217 - Pakistan Oilfields Limited - Annual Report 2021
P. 217



          FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2021

 17.4  The carrying value of investment in National Refinery Limited at June 30, 2021 is net of impairment   2021  2020
 loss of Rs 3,808,877 thousand (2020: Rs 5,434,289 thousand). The Group has assessed the recoverable   Rupees ('000)
 amount of the investment in National Refinery Limited  based on higher of the value-in-use (VIU) and
 fair value (level 1 in the fair value hierarchy - quoted market price as at June 30, 2021). VIU is based   19.2  Provision for slow moving items
 on a valuation analysis carried out by an  external investment advisor engaged by the Company. VIU
 of Rs 492 per share has been assessed on discounted cash flow based valuation methodology which   Balance brought forward   579,503    537,017
 assumes an average gross profit margin of 3.80% (2020: 3.43%), terminal growth rate of 4% (2020:   Provision for the year   60,072    42,486
 3%) and capital asset pricing model based discount rate of 20.05% (2020: 18.20%).   639,575           579,503
 17.5  Based on a valuation analysis carried out by the management, the recoverable amount of investment   19.3  Stores and spares include items which may result in fixed capital expenditure but are not yet
 in Attock Petroleum Limited exceeds its carrying amount.  The recoverable amount has been   distinguishable.
 estimated based on a value in use calculation. These calculations have been made on discounted   2021  2020
 cash flow based valuation methodology which assumes an average gross profit margin of 4.46%   Rupees ('000)
 (2020:3.60%), a terminal growth rate of 4.0% (2020: 4.0%) and a capital asset pricing model based
 discount rate of 16.51% (2020: 15.43%).  20.  STOCK IN TRADE
 2021  2020         Crude oil and other products - note 20.1                         298,357           404,494
 Rupees ('000)
           20.1     These include Rs 37,731 thousand (2020: Rs 22,824 thousand) being the Company’s share in joint
                                                                                  2021              2020
 Long term loans and advances to employees   58,285    51,511
 Less: Amount due within twelve months, shown                                          Rupees ('000)
   under current loans and advances - note 22   21,139    24,788   21.  TRADE DEBTS - Considered good
  37,146    26,723
                    Due from related parties - note 21.1                            3,750,557         2,212,489
 18.1  Loans and advances to employees are for general purpose and for house rent advance which are   Others   3,588,509    5,421,591
 recoverable in up to 60 and 36 equal monthly installments respectively and are secured by an    7,339,066    7,634,080
 amount due to the employee against provident fund. These loans and advances are interest free.
 These do not include any amount receivable from the Chief Executive and Directors. These loans   21.1  Due from related parties
 have not been discounted, as the impact is considered insignificant.
                    Associated companies
 2021  2020            Attock Refinery Limited                                      3,691,129         1,906,780
 Rupees ('000)         National Refinery Limited                                      49,507           304,969
                       Attock Petroleum Limited                                         9,921              740
                                                                                    3,750,557         2,212,489
 Stores and spares - note 19.1   5,299,071    5,077,887
 Less: Provision for slow moving items - note 19.2   639,575    579,503   Ageing analysis of trade debts receivable from related parties is given in note 38.3 to the financial
  4,659,496    4,498,384
                    The maximum aggregate amount receivable from related parties at the end of any month during
 19.1  Stores and spares include:  the year was Rs 3,750,557 thousand (2020: Rs 6,473,541 thousand).

 Share in joint operations operated by the Group   627,650    573,332
 Share in joint operations operated by others
   (assets not in possession of the Group)   1,670,815    1,703,562
  2,298,465    2,276,894

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