Page 231 - Pakistan Oilfields Limited - Annual Report 2021
P. 231



          FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2021

                                                                                  2021              2020
                                                                                       Rupees ('000)

                    Due from others

                    Up to 3 months                                                   811,169           763,195
                    3 to 6 months                                                      4,952         1,521,465
                    6 to 12 months                                                    69,669           595,363
                    Above 12 months                                                   23,154            24,000
                                                                                     908,944         2,904,023

                                                                                   1,564,171         3,951,419

             (b)    Liquidity risk

                    Liquidity risk is the risk that an entity will encounter difficulty in meeting obligations associated with
                    financial liabilities.

                    The Group manages liquidity risk by maintaining sufficient cash and marketable securities. At June
                    30, 2021, the Group had financial assets of Rs 55,766,422 thousand (2020: Rs 51,947,838 thousand).

                    The table below analyses the Group’s financial liabilities into relevant maturity groupings based on
                    the remaining period at the financial position date to the maturity date. The amounts disclosed in
                    the table are undiscounted cash flows which have been inflated using appropriate inflation rate,
                    where applicable.

                                                                    Less than 1   Between 1 to    Over 5 years
                                                                       year          5 years
                                                                                   Rupees ('000)

                    At June 30, 2021

                    Long term deposits                                         -       988,759               -
                    Trade and other payables                         22,682,640               -              -
                    Unclaimed dividend                                  244,495

                    At June 30, 2020
                    Long term deposits                                         -       861,129         123,872
                    Trade and other payables                         20,965,276               -              -
                    Unclaimed dividend                                  214,307

              (c)   Market risk

                (i) Currency risk

                    Foreign exchange risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will
                    fluctuate because of changes in foreign exchange rates. Foreign exchange risk arises mainly from
                    future commercial transactions or receivables and payables that exist due to transactions in foreign

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