Page 235 - Pakistan Oilfields Limited - Annual Report 2021
P. 235



          FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2021

                                                                                   2021             2020
                                                                                       Rupees ('000)

           39.6     Changes in fair value of plan assets are as follows:

                    Opening fair value of plan assets                              1,649,332         1,553,843
                    Interest income                                                  139,171          208,533
                    Remeasurement loss                                               (11,216)          (49,613)
                    Contribution by employer                                          86,630            86,911
                    Benefits paid                                                   (185,962)         (150,342)
                    Closing fair value of plan assets                              1,677,955         1,649,332

           39.7     The major categories of plan assets as a percentage of total plan assets of defined pension plan are
                    as follows:

                                                               2021                          2020
                                                   Rupees ('000)      %age        Rupees ('000)      %age

                    Government bonds                       5,356         -             984,102         60
                    Mutual Funds                               -         -              23,429         1
                    Cash and cash equivalents          1,672,599        100            641,801         39
                                                       1,677,955        100          1,649,332        100
                    Government bonds are valued at quoted market price and are therefore level 1. Cash equivalents
                    and National Savings deposits include level 2 assets.

                    The funds have no investment in the Company’s own securities.

           39.8     Principal actuarial assumptions
                    The principal assumptions used in the actuarial valuation are as follows:

                                                                                  2021              2020

                    Discount rate                                                  10                8.7
                    Expected rate of salary increase                              8.75               7.4
                    Expected rate of pension increase                               4                2.7

           39.9     Mortality was assumed to be 70% of the EFU(61-66) Table at valuations on both dates, June 30, 2020
                    and 2021.

           39.10    The  pension  gratuity  plans  are  defined  benefits  final  salary plans  and  both  plans  are  invested
                    through approved trust funds. The trustees of the funds are responsible for plan administration and
                    investment. The Group appoints the trustees who are employees of the Group.
                    The plans expose the Group to various actuarial risks: investment risk and salary risk from both plans
                    and longevity risk from the pension plan.

                    The asset ceiling does not apply. The Group can use the surplus in the gratuity fund to reduce its
                    future contributions or can apply to the commissioner of Income Tax for a refund.

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